Contact ABC of Health 

Contact Information

(Please scroll past the information below to find our Email Form)

 Phone:  864-329-0004    Fax:  864-329-0005

Our Office Hours for Receiving Telephone Calls:  

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM - Monday through Friday

ABC of Health

201 B West Butler Rd., #159 (shipping address)

P.O. Box 127 (preferred mail address)

Mauldin, SC 29662

See the Home department for more information

about our Natural Healthcare Education Services.

     If you want to contact us by Telephone, Fax, or by U.S. Mail, please use the information shown above. 

     If you prefer to contact us by E-mail, you can do that conveniently by using the E-mail form that is down below.  Before you send us an E-mail, please review the important helpful information below.  

Contacting ABC of Health by E-mail

Special Suggestions

     Important Notes:  We get lots of E-mails (80 to 150+ daily) so it is best to title the Subject line of your E-mail as suggested below, providing your last name, and your residence Zip Code.

     You can add anything else in the Subject line that is relevant to your E-mail.

Examples of E-mail Subject line titles: 

 Client Inquiry, Wilson, 29615 - comments and review info

Visitor Inquiry, Johnson, 29607 - questions about programs

     The first two words shown in the Subject line are key words that will enable us to perform Search Functions daily that will find and sort all E-mails that have a Subject line that contains these two key words.

     The last name and Zip Code info helps us easily identify each separate E-mail and file a record of these E-mails.  Thank you.

     IMPORTANT NOTE:  A lot of the E-mails that we receive daily are from businesses offering their services to our company, many health articles and newsletters of various types, etc.  Obviously, we do not have time to review so many E-mails daily, but we want to make sure that we find and read your E-mail promptly and respond accordingly.

     Please use the very convenient E-mail Form below to send an easy and quick E-mail directly to ABC of Health or to respond to any of the situations described below.

     Your candid Comments or Review:  We have a separate Comments and Reviews department at our Introductory Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Website for this purpose, 

     However, you can also use the E-mail form down below to send an E-mail to us with your comments and review information regarding this Website or our Introductory Education Website. 

     Your designated "Comments and Review" will be reviewed and then posted in the Comments and Review department, regardless of how we receive your "Comments and Review," unless you tell us that you do not want us to post your "Comments and Review."  In that event, your comments will remain private with us. 

     If you have been a client or customer of ABC of Health, we welcome your candid constructive and responsible "Comments and Review" information about the way we have served your health and wellness interests.

     Comments from clients, customers, or visitors can be short, quick, and easy, but do take a few moments to let us know how you feel about the natural healthcare and wellness concepts education information presented Free at this short Introduction Website, or the more detailed information presented at our main Introductory Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Website.

      What parts of our healthcare and wellness concepts education information did you like best or find most helpful?  Do we have any articles or departments that you did not like, or that you disagree with, or that you object to our method of presentation? 

     Include Your Suggestions:  We also welcome your helpful constructive suggestions about how we can improve our natural healthcare and wellness  education services for Americans. 

     Error Correction Suggestions:  If you find errors anywhere in any of our Websites, please make a note of the Website, the department containing the error, and try to identify the sub-topic location of any errors that you observed.  Thank you very much!

     Thank you for visiting our main Introductory Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Website and for visiting this Contact ABC of Health department at this Website.  We will appreciate any helpful comments or review, or suggestions, or error corrections that you make by E-mail to ABC of Health today.  

     NOTE:  There is always some possibility that an automated E-mail system like the E-mail Form below may not work with every computer, every tablet, or every smartphone (there are many operating systems available for those devices).  Give the E-mail Form below a try - it will probably work well for you. 

     However, in the unlikely event that our Email Form does not work for you, please make a note of our E-mail address below, and then send your E-mail to us in the same manner that you use to send E-mail to other people.  Please title your Subject line as shown in the suggestions above. 

If needed, you can send your personal Email to:

Thank you for your kind consideration in these E-mail matters,

Lon Willoughby, founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc.,
doing business as ABC of Health.

     IMPORTANT NOTES:   As soon as you submit your E-mail, you will get a message right below the blue line down below in small print that states "Your E-mail has been submitted!  Thank you!"   Please look for this message to verify that your E-mail was sent.

     When we respond to your E-mail, our response may go into your "junk or spam file" because your E-mail system has not been notified to recognize our E-mail as a good E-mail.  We always check our "junk file" each time we check our Email to prevent losing some good Emails from new contacts. 

     E-mails that are routed to a junk file or a spam file are typically deleted permanently after only ten days of storage.


Contact ABC of Health

Overview Summary of Our
Natural Healthcare Education Services

     IMPORTANT NOTES:  The introductory paragraphs below provide a quick summary of the very important and very valuable natural healthcare education services that we offer.  Similar introductory information is presented in some other departments of this Website because key words are contained herein that help numerous Internet Search Engines work better with our complex Website.

     After you have read this helpful information one time, you can simply scroll down past these paragraphs when you visit other departments that contain similar introductory information.   

     Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services:  Our main Introductory Healthcare Concepts Education Website contains some special natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are Free to most visitors (can help them get started quickly on improving their lifestyles - but only if they willingly agree to comply responsibly with our Terms of Use conditions - as explained in the Home department of that Website - just before the two red lines). 

     We also offer our natural healthcare and nutrition consultations services by convenient telephone for "qualified" people living in South Carolina - within an approximate 50 miles radius of the downtown area of Greenville, S.C.  

     We can conduct very convenient telephone consultations that can be very helpful to individuals, or married couples, or married couples  with children.  We usually recommend that teenage children be allowed to participate in the telephone consultation if a "speaker phone" capability is available.  If we know that teenagers will be participating in the consultation, we can structure the consultation conversation to include them in meaningful ways. 

     We can educate our consultation clients quickly about important and valuable relevant natural healthcare and wellness and nutrition concepts that can be very helpful to "qualified clients" about their healthcare and wellness concerns and issues.  Younger children can learn from their smart healthcare educated parents over time.

     Telephone consultation services offer the big advantage of being a very convenient way for our clients to obtain some very important and valuable alternative health and "complementary health" type natural healthcare and wellness concepts information that can be focused on specific healthcare concerns and issues. 

     Our "qualified consultation clients" can obtain very important and very valuable natural healthcare nd wellness concepts information at a modest cost, as explained in the Home department of our main Introductory Natural Healthcare Education Website (using a credit card for payment - Discover, MasterCard, or Visa or a USPS money order that we receive prior to the scheduled consultation date).

     ABC of Health personnel are currently developing very important and valuable Advanced Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education Programs for different groups of "qualifiable"  natural-born American citizens that are residents (citizens) of South Carolina that have a permanent residence Zip Code of 296 _ _ .

     We have a very responsible and sensible client qualifications evaluation process for "qualifying" education client applicants, as explained below.

     You can learn more about our advanced natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs at another Website that was developed specifically for that purpose.  Use the following hyperlink (link) below to visit this very special Website. 

     The Client Qualifications department at that Website provides some very interesting and very important historical information that explains why we must have responsible tight security standards for qualifying potential applicants as "qualified education clients."

     Our Advanced Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education Programs will enable ABC of Health to provide a  comprehensive but simplified natural healthcare concepts education about a broad range of very important and very valuable natural healthcare concepts, lifestyle concepts, nutrition concepts, and wellness concepts.

      One of our natural healthcare education programs can be much more effective over time, in a comprehensive manner, to an individual or a married couple, or a married couple with minor-age children than many hours of telephone consultations could provide.  Our education programs will include very important healthcare type text books that are not included in our telephone healthcare consultation sessions.

     The proprietary copyrighted natural healthcare concepts that we will teach in our comprehensive but simplified home-study education programs can educate "qualified education clients" about our very important and valuable advanced natural healthcare concepts (healthcare, fitness, lifestyle, nutrition, wellness, etc.)

     Fortunately, we also know how to teach these special healthcare concepts in a manner that is easy to understand, easy to learn, and easy to use for improving a lifestyle in truly remarkable ways.    

     Our natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs will be leased only from our company because we will have tightly controlled security for leasing distribution of our education programs, as explained briefly above.  

     ABC of Health owns more than 50 copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be taught in our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs.  We are the only company that will be authorized to lease distribute our proprietary and copyrighted healthcare concepts trade secrets

     Where are we located:  Our ABC's of Health, Inc. corporate office is located in the modern and progressive city of Mauldin, South Carolina. (population of about 23,000 people)   We are just eight miles from the downtown area of Greenville, South Carolina (an exceptional city).

     ABC's of Health, Inc. has multiple Websites that present very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts about various subjects such as: healthcare consultations, health care concepts consultations, health classes, healthcare classes, health care concepts education programs, vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, nutraceuticals, probiotics, proteins, weight loss and weight loss management concepts and products, etc. 

     Some of our Websites also present information about air filters, air purifiers, water filters, bathing water filters (bath tub filters and shower filters), water purifiers, water alkalizers, water ionizers, CHI exercisers, and quality built rebounder exercisers, Far-infrared (FIR) portable Saunas, health stores, and health food stores. 

     The relevant natural healthcare products and services identified above illustrate the broad range of natural healthcare and wellness concepts and issues that our alternative health type natural healthcare consultant, nutrition consultant, and healthy lifestyle coach is knowledgeable about. (Lon Willoughby)

     Lon has acquired specialized natural healthcare and wellness concepts education and work experiences with many very important health-promoting products and alternative health and "complementary health" type natural healthcare concepts, protocols, and services.

(Natural healthcare - healthcare without prescription type drugs) 

Three Helpful Maps Are Down Below

     The three Google map views presented down below are adjustable.  You can adjust the top map to be a long distant view of the relevant Greenville, South Carolina upstate area. 

     The two smaller maps can be adjusted to provide a medium range distance view (an intermediate view of the relevant area) and then a close-up detailed view of the downtown area of Mauldin. 

     This close-up view can identify our shipping and receiving location - just one block from the center of downtown Mauldin (at the intersection of Main St. with Butler Road - also a four lane highway. 

     Our ABC of Health Health and Wellness store (now closed) was in the Golden Strip Shopping Center, just two blocks North of the Butler Road intersection with U.S. Hwy 276 (Main Street).  This 4-lane U.S. highway is also named "Main Street" in Mauldin and also locally known as "Laurens Road" because it goes East-South East toward the town of Laurens, South Carolina.