Previous Meetings Info

    Learn super healthcare information from an accomplished scientist.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

a full-day seminar with scientist

Li-Chuan Chen, Ph D.

(9AM to 6PM) 

We will have a one-hour lunch break.  Several food type businesses are nearby so getting  some lunch should be easy to accomplish.

Location of this very special seminar:

At the office facility of Dr. Haney Armaly (Chiropractic Physician) - in the upper level of the Morgan Manor building, located at 

730 South Pleasantburg Drive

(also identified as SC Highway 291)

(this building is south of Greenville Tech)
Greenville, SC 29607

Notes: The Morgan Manor building is

right at the Cleveland Street intersection.

You can park in front of the building (beside South Pleasantburg Drive) and then walk right into the upper level.  Dr. Armaly's office facility is in Suite 1.

See the map down below the Biographical Information about Dr. Li-Chuan Chen.  The map shows the location of the Morgan Manor building and shows nearby Greenville Tech.

Private consultations with Dr. Chen will be available Wednesday (11/8/2017), Thursday, and also on Friday (11/10/2017)

The consultation sessions will also be conducted at Dr. Armaly's office facility.
Seminar Registration:     $129 -  full day
   Private Consultation:    $  79 - 1/2 hour
Registration capacity is limited (30 max). 

For registration information and/or
consultation information, call or text:  

David Pruitt at  864.640.2840 (cell)

        Learn how to take better control of your health!

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that may not ever be available to you again in Greenville.  You will get an exceptionally valuable natural healthcare education from a world-class natural healthcare concepts educator that is exceptionally knowledgeable and highly skilled in natural healthcare modalities.  We have limited seats available.

Dr. Chen will discuss the healthiest diet, healthy lifestyles, detoxification concepts for the human body, and he will discuss important oils that are beneficial for humans.  This seminar information was developed from his 20+ years of very important healthcare research work and his experiences with many people.  Attendees should bring a note pad and a pen for taking notes. 

Good quality drinking water will be available for attendees during the day.   Dr. Armaly plans to open his office facility at 8:30 AM on Saturday.  Please arrive a little early because we will begin at 9:00 AM.

We have presented some of Dr Chen's biographical information below, along with his Vitae.  You will see that he is a world-class expert in natural healthcare modalities, and he is a unique healthcare consultant due to his special medical intuitive abilities and skills.

Personal checks or business checks should be made payable to Dr. Li-Chuan Chen.  Seating is limited to a total of only 30 very fortunate attendees.

+  +  +  +  +

Relevant notes from Lonnie Willoughby, founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health, Mauldin, SC:

The detailed information about Dr. Chen below should help you understand what a special opportunity this unique healthcare education seminar will be.  This will be a life-changing experience that may not be available to you again. 

As an accomplished natural healthcare consultant that has developed more than 50 proprietary copyrighted natural healthcare concepts, I strongly encourage you to make every  effort needed to get registered promptly for this very special day before all of our limited seats are taken.

Seating is limited to only 30 selected people - first come, first served.  I look forward to seeing you at the seminar because we will have a very special day, like nothing you have ever experienced before about natural healthcare education and the potential to improve and extend long-term human health.

May you live long and prosper well as a patriotic American,

Lonnie Willoughby, founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., doing business as (dba) ABC of Health in the upstate area.

Lon's comments about this special seminar invitation.

The information presented in this Website department makes it much easier for us to inform selected people about the Dr. Chen seminar by sending an Email or Fax that refers people to this Website's information. 

This Website presentation also makes it much easier and much more convenient for selected people to view this important detailed information on a larger computer display screen in color.

Viewing this Website department's information is much better than reviewing an Email with multiple detailed attachments; this Website department presentation is also safer than opening an E-mail with attachments that may contain an unknown virus.

Lon's Personal Comments about Dr. Chen

I've had the good fortune to know Dr. Chen personally, going back many years now, and I want to take this opportunity to say that he is a very special human being - his unique intuitive natural health and medical adjunctive abilities are remarkable.

I have learned that he is exceptionally knowledgeable about natural healthcare maintenance and protection issues that are very important to responsible and sensible health-conscious people - especially so for dedicated chiropractic physicians, dietitians, medical doctors and nurses, nutritionist, etc.

I strongly encourage you to not allow a football game or other forms of entertainment available on Saturday prevent you from attending this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  Football games can be recorded and watched later.  This special seminar is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you do not want to miss. 

I am confident that you will benefit from this special healthcare and wellness information for the rest of your life.  You will likely look back on this event as a major revelation experience in your life.  Yes, this very special seminar will be that important.

Biographical Information

  Li-Chuan Chen, Ph.D.

Dr. Chen graduated from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1981 with his B.S. degree in Agricultural Chemistry.

He received his doctorate degree in Toxicology from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, in 1991. He spent the next five years conducting post-doctoral research at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. During those years he published more than a dozen peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals, and he also contributed info to several book chapters.  

In the spring of 1997 Dr. Chen experienced spiritual (Kundalini) awakening while he was undergoing intensive Qigong [chee-goo ng] practice. That remarkable experience enabled him to receive the very special gift of intuition, which enables him to sense the emotional and health distress of various people by the way of intuitive knowing.

Since that time, he has used his special intuition abilities to help guide chronically ill patients with complex health issues through integrative type medical care - working with diverse professional healthcare practitioners.

For seven years, Dr. Chen was the Editor-in-chief of Integrative Health & Healing, an educational and informational magazine advocating integrative medicine.  During some of those years, he and his wife lived in

 the Greenville, South Carolina area while she was a professor at Furman University.

That magazine publishing experience was an extension of his intuitive health-related readings. He published some of his findings of disease patterns in Integrative Health and Healing, and he invited other healthcare practitioners to provide various articles and treatment protocols for publication regarding healthcare problem conditions that American clients/patients are typically diagnosed with. 

For his excellent publishing work, the International Council of Integrative Medicine presented an award to him for outstanding service in journalism (in February, 2003). 

Dr. Chen has also worked as an assistant professor at Capital University of Integrative Medicine, Washington, D.C., where he taught  research methodology and also guided many Capital University students' thesis projects.
By combining his scientific training and his special intuitive readings ability, Dr. Chen has proposed a simple healing model: Trinity of Integrative Health, utilizing treatment modalities and lifestyle modifications that foster/promote nourishment, purification, and regeneration for health restoration.

His model is spiritual, integrative, and heart-centered in nature. The ultimate goal of his model is to empower ordinary people to heal themselves in the midst of the very serious healthcare crisis situation that currently exists in the disease care system in America.
In 1996, Dr. Chen was recruited by Wayne Jonas, M.D., then director of the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) at the National Institutes of Health

Dr. Chen was responsible for investigating two alternative cancer therapies under a professional contract. The OAM was renamed and became the Center for Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Just last year, it was renamed again and became the Center for Integrative Medicine.

Two very important results of Dr. Chen's investigations were his written reports:

Evaluation of the Anticancer Activities of Antineoplastons and Related Compounds, Including Phenylacetate, Phenylacetylglutamine, 3-Phenylacetylamino-2,6-piperidindione and Their Respective Analogues


Evaluation of Dr. Clarence Cone's Metabolic Chemotherapy: Effecting Oncolysis with Various Metabolic Effectors.
In 2005, Dr. Chen moved back to his native country, Taiwan, where he has been teaching his advanced healthcare system concepts to parents that have autistic children.  He also helps and teaches some other native people. 

Dr. Chen understands the great importance of dental health and its very substantial effect on general health.  Consequently, he has helped numerous dental clinics equip themselves with important protective measures for removal of amalgam dental fillings (potentially dangerous mercury and silver amalgams), following strict published guidelines to protect the dental practitioners.

Although Dr. Chen is a very busy and very productive scientist, in recent years he has also published six books in the Chinese language, including Healthy Lifestyle (一生無病絕對有機會), Health Begins with Teeth (健康從齒開始), Dr. Chen’s Simple Measures for Health (跟著博士養生就對了), Sequential Detoxification (人體空間排毒), Detox Expert in Action (解毒高手), and his latest book is Nine Steps to Reverse Cancer (別讓癌症醫療殺死你).

In addition to all of his substantial duties and responsibilities, and his extensive world traveling between Asia and the United States,  Dr. Chen is also a regular columnist in Organic Magazine (有機誌), the leader in the field of organic lifestyle information.

Dr. Chen's Curriculum Vitae is right after the map below that shows location of Morgan Manor building south of Gvl Tech.


 Li-Chuan Chen, Ph.D.


Correspondence:  #70, Chung-Shiao 3rd Road

   Puli, Nantou County 545, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Cell: 0928-109-394






1977-1981 - B.S. Degree, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

1985-1991 - Ph.D. Degree, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

Dissertation title: Role of oxidative stress in the hepatotoxicity of the peroxisome proliferator perfluorodecanoic acid

1987-Date - Society of Toxicology Continuing Education on Inhalation Toxicology, Molecular Toxicology, Naturally Occurring Toxins and Strategies for Cloning Toxicant-Inducible Genes

1991-1994 - Post-doctoral training under Dr. Luigi M. De Luca, Chief of Differentiation Control     Section, Laboratory of Cellular Carcinogenesis and Tumor Promotion, Division of Cancer Etiology, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD

1992 - BioTrac 1: Biotechnology Techniques by FAES (Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences, Inc.), National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

1993 - BioTrac 2: Recombinant DNA Methodology by FAES

1994-1995 - Post-doctoral training under Dr. Dvorit Samid, Chief of Differentiation Control Section, Clinical Pharmacology Branch, Division of Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD

2000 - LL’s Magnetic Clay’s Bath Technician

2001 - Kaya Regeneration Therapy (of ancient Siddha Vaidya medical system from India), Washington, D.C.

2002 - Kaya Regeneration Therapy Trainer, Washington, D.C.

2003 - LL’s Magnetic Clay’s Bath Technician Trainer

2012  - Acupuncture Training from Cuckoo Zen Master, Goa, India

 Brief Chronology of Employment:

1979-1985 - Free-lance writer, film critic and translator, Taiwan

1981-1983 - Military Service, Taiwan

1985-1989 - Research assistant, Toxicology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

1990-1991 - Research assistant, Toxicology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

1991-1994 - Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) Fellow, Laboratory of Cellular Carcinogenesis and Tumor Promotion, Division of Cancer Etiology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

1994-1996 - IRTA Fellow, Clinical Pharmacology Branch, Division of Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD

1996-1997 - Independent contractor, Office of Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

1997-Date - Alternative medical consultant, Qigong instructor

1999-Date - Vice President, Carolina Holistic, Inc.

1999-2002 - Editor, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine

2000-2007 - Assistant Professor, Capital University of Integrative Medicine, Washington, D.C.

2002-2005 - Editor, Integrative Health & Self Healing (

2003-2005 - Chief Operating Officer, Amala Health International

2003-2010 - Consultant, Cosminergy Technolgy Co. (on energy medicine)

2004-2006 - Consultant, Panion & BF Biotech Inc. (on integrative medicine and new product development) 

2009-2011 - Adjunct Professor, Kaoshuing Medical University, College of Oral Medicine 

2005-Date - Creator & Trainer, Trinity of Integrative Health System (for self healing)


1988 - Student Travel Award from the Society of Toxicology, Washington, D.C.

1988-1989 - Graduate Year Fellowship from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

1989-1990 - Dissertation Year Fellowship from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

1991-1996  -  Intramural Research Training Award Fellowship from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

2003 - Outstanding Service in Journalism from The International Council of Integrative Medicine, Pearcedale, Australia


2001-2007 - Institutional Review Board, Capital University of Integrative Medicine (CUIM), Washington, D.C.

2001-2007 - Co-Chair, Ph.D. Steering Committee, CUIM, Washington, D.C.

2002-2007 - Chair, Faculty Advisory Committee, CUIM, Washington, D.C.

2002-2007 - Educational Advisory Board, National Foundation for Alternative Medicine, Washington, D.C., website:

 2003-Date - Journalism Advisory Board, International Council of Integrative Medicine, Pearcedale, Australia, website:

 2003-Date - Advisory Board of Tai Chi & Consumer Health Information, American Tai Chi Association, Herndon, Virginia, website:

 2004-Date - Advisory Board of the Association of Health and Dental Awareness Professionals (HDAP),  

 2005-2009 - Advisor, Taiwan Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology

 2010-Date - Advisor, Vice Chair of the Chinese Academy of Energy Medicine

  Research Interests: 

1. Evaluation of alternative cancer therapies and treatments for other chronic, degenerative diseases

2. Vibrational medicines: homeopathy, herbal medicine, flower essences, light and color therapy, sound therapy, and electromagnetic therapy

3. Health benefits of Chinese Taoist and Tibetan Buddhist Qigong practice

4. Ancient Indian Siddha Vaidya medical system

5. Natural Detoxification Methods

6. Management Consulting and Model Building for Integrative Clinics, Spas, Wellness Centers as well as Healing Centers

 Current projects:

1. Identifying physical and emotional patterns of diseases

2. Educating the public about integrative health care and innovative medicine

3. Teaching self-care techniques to the public

4. Teaching Integrative Dentistry and Medicine and promoting safe removal of dental amalgams in Taiwan and other parts of Asia

5. Book writing

6. Promoting organic farming and lifestyles as well as sustainable living in Taiwan


  1. Chow, C. K., Airries, G. R., Chen, L.-C., and Changchit, C.:  Vitamin C levels in the tissues of cigarette-smoked guinea pigs and rats. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 498: 467-469, 1987.

  2. Airries, G. A., Changchit, C., Chen, L.-C., and Chow, C. K.:  Increased vitamin E levels in the lungs of guinea pigs exposed to mainstream or side stream smoke. Nutr. Res. 8:  653-661, 1988.

  3. Borges, T., Glauert, H. P., Chen, L.-C., Chow, C. K., and Robertson, L. W.:  Effects of peroxisome proliferator, perfluorodecaonic acid, on growth and lipid metabolism in Sprague-Dawley rats fed three dietary levels of selenium. Arch. Toxicol. 64: 26-30, 1990.

  4. Natta, C., Chen, L.-C., and Chow, C. K.:  Selenium and glutathione peroxidase levels in Sickle cell anemia. Acta Haemotologia 83: 130-132, 1990.

  5. Chen, L.-C., Borges, T., Knight, S. A. B., Sunde, R. A., Schramm, H., Oesch, F., Glauert, H. P., Chow, C. K., and Robertson, L. W.:  Modulation of selenium glutathione peroxidase by perfluorodecanoic acid: effect of dietary selenium. J. Nutr. 120, 298-304, 1990.

   6. Glauert, H. P., Beaty, M. M., Clark, T. D., Greenwell, W. S., Tatum, V., Chen, L.-C., Borges, T., Clark, T. L., Srinivasan, S. R., and Chow, C. K.:  Effect of dietary vitamin E on the development of altered hepatic foci and hepatic tumors induced by the peroxisome proliferator ciprofibrate. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 116: 351-356, 1990.

  7. Glauert, H. P., Srinivasan, S., Tatum, V. L., Chen, L.-C., Saxon, D. M., Lay, T., Borges, T., Chen, L. H., Robertson, L. W., and Chow, C. K.: Effect of the peroxisome proliferators ciprofibrate and perfluorodecanoic acid on hepatic cellular antioxidants and lipid peroxidation in rats. Biochem. Pharmacol. 43: 1353-1359, 1992.

  8. Chen, L.-C., Berberian, I., Koch. B., Mercier, M., Azais-Braesco, V., Glauert, H. P., Chow, C. K., and Robertson, L. W.: Effects of congeneric polyhalogenated biphenyls on retinoid levels in rat tissues: structure-activity relationships and possible mechanisms. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 114:    47-55, 1992.

  9. De Luca, L. M., Sly, L., Jones, C. S., and Chen, L.-C.: Dietary retinoids are essential for skin    papilloma formation induced by the two-stage or the complete tumorigenesis model in female SENCAR mice. Cancer Lett. 66: 233-239, 1992.

 10. De Luca, L. M., Sly, L., Jones, C. S., and Chen. L.-C.: Effects of dietary retinoic acid on skin papilloma and carcinoma formation in female SENCAR mice. Carcinogenesis 14: 539-542, 1993.

 11. Chen, L.-C., Sly, L., Jones, C. S., Tarone, R., and De Luca, L. M.: Differential effects of dietary ß-carotene on papilloma and carcinoma formation induced by an initiation-promotion protocol in SENCAR mouse skin. Carcinogenesis 14: 713-717, 1993.

 12. Chen, L.-C., Boissonault, G., Hayek, M., and Chow, C. K.: Dietary fat effect on hepatic lipid peroxidation and enzymes of H2O2 metabolism and NADPH generation. Lipids 28: 657-662, 1993.

 13. Jones, C. S., Sly, L., Chen, L.-C., Ben, T., Bough-Collins, M., Lichti, U., De Luca, L. M.: Retinol and ß-carotene concentrations in skin, papillomas and carcinomas, liver and serum of mice fed retinoic acid or ß-carotene to suppress tumor formation. Nutr. Cancer 21: 83-93, 1994.

 14.  Chen, L.-C., Kirchhof, S. and De Luca, L. M.: Effect of high dietary retinoic acid on skin papilloma and carcinoma formation induced by a complete carcinogenesis protocol in SENCAR mice.  Cancer Lett. 78: 63-67, 1994.

15.  Chen, L.-C., Sly, L. and De Luca, L. M.: High dietary retinoic acid prevents malignant conversion    of skin tumors induced by a two-stage carcinogenesis protocol in SENCAR mice. Carcinogenesis  15: 2383-2386, 1994.

 16.  Chen, L.-C., Berberian, I., Glauert, H. P., Robertson, L. W., and Chow, C. K.: Altered tissue levels of vitamin A by selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 4: 173-182, 1994.

 17. Berberian, I., *Chen, L.-C., Robinsen, F., Tatum, V. L., Glauert, H. P., Robertson, L. W., and Chow, C. K.: Effect of vitamin A on the promotion of diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocarcino-genesis by 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl and 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachloro-biphenyl. Carcinogenesis 16:  393-398, 1995. *senior coauthor

 18. Liu, L., Hudgins, W. R., Miller, A. C., Chen, L.-C., and Samid, D.: Induction of TGFα by phenylacetate and phenylbutyrate is associated with differentiation of human melanoma cells.  Cytokine 7: 449-456, 1995.

 19.  Skack, S., Chen, L.-C., Miller, A. C., Danesi, R., and Samid, D.: Phenotypic reversion of ras-transformed cells by the non-toxic differentiation agent phenylacetate. Int. J. Cancer 62: 1-6, 1995.

 20. Chen, L.-C., Tarone, R., Huynh, M., and De Luca, L. M. High dietary retinoic acid inhibits tumor    promotion and malignant conversion in a two-stage skin carcinogenesis protocol using 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene as the initiator and mezerein as the promoter in female SENCAR mice. Cancer Lett. 95: 113-118, 1995.

 21. De Luca, L. M., Tarone, R., Huynh, M., and Chen, L.-C.: Inhibitory effects of dietary retinoic acid on mouse skin carcinogenesis regardless of age at chemical initiation. Nutr. Cancer 25: 249-257,   1996.

 22. Pineau, T., Hudgins, W. R., Liu, L., Chen, L.-C., Sher, T., Gonzales, F. J., and Samid, D.: Activation of a human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor by the antitumor agent phenylacetate and its analogs. Biochem. Pharmacol. 52: 659-667, 1996.

 23. Chen, L.-C., Tatum, V., Glauert, H. P., and Chow, C. K.: Peroxisome proliferator perfluorodecanoic acid alters glutathione and related enzymes, J. Biochem. Mol. Tox. 15: 107-113, 2001

 24. Robertson, L. W., Berberian, I., Borges, T., Chen, L.-C., Chow, C. K., Glauert, H. P., Filser, J. G., and Thomas, H.: Suppression of peroxisomal enzyme activities and cytochromep450-4A isozyme expression by congeneric polybrominated and polychlorinated biphenyls. (in press)

 25. Chen, L.-C., and Jonas, W. B.: Evaluation of selected Antineoplastons, including phenylacetate, phenylacetylglutamine, 3-phenylacetyl-2,6-piperidinedione and their respective analogs (in preparation).


 1. De Luca, L. M., Darwiche, N., Celli, G., Kosa, K., Jones, C., Ross, S., and Chen, L.-C.: Vitamin A    in epithelial differentiation and skin carcinogenesis. Nutr. Rev. 52: 45-52, 1994.

 2.  De Luca, L. M., Celli, G., Kosa, K., Ross, S., Chen, L.-C., Jones, C., Grover, A., Mitchell, S. and   Darwiche, N.: Retinoids and their receptors in epithelial differentiation and carcinogenesis. in Retinoids: from Basic Science to Clinical Applications (Livrea, M. and Vidali, G. eds.), Birkhauser   Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 347-356, 1994.

 3. Chen, L.-C., and De Luca, L. M.: Retinoid effects on skin cancer in Skin Cancer: Mechanisms and Human Relevance (Mukhtar, H. ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 401-424, 1994.

 4. De Luca, L. M., Chen, L.-C., Jones, C. S., Celli, G. and Darwiche, N.: Retinoids and their receptors in differentiation and neoplasia in Nutrition in a Sustainable Environment (Smith, R. M.   ed.), Smith-Gordon and Company Ltd., pp. 414-417, 1995.

 5. Ross, S., Chen, L.-C., Celli, G., Darwiche, N., and De Luca, L. M.: Retinoids in neoplasias in    Regulation of the Proliferation of Neoplastic Cells (Pusztai, L., Lewis, C. E., and Yap, E. eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, pp. 282-304, 1995.

 6. Coleman, P. S., Sepp-Lorenzino, L., and Chen, L.-C.: Cholesterol metabolism and tumor cell    proliferation in Cholesterol: Its Metabolism and Functions in Biology and Medicine (Bittman, R. ed.), Plenum, (in press)

 7. Samid, D., Hudgins, W. R., Shack, S., Liu, L., Prasanna, P., Chen, L.-C., and Thibault, A.: Phenyl-fatty acids as a novel class of differentiation inducers in Status of Differentiation Therapy, Vol. 3, (in press)

 8. Chen, L.-C.: Evaluation of the anticancer activities of Antineoplastons and related compounds,   including phenylacetate, phenylacetylglutamine, 3-phenylacetyl-2,6-piperidinedione and their respective analogs, internal report to the NIH Office of Alternative Medicine, December 15, 1996.   (Contract report)

 9. Chen, L.-C.: Evaluation of Dr. Clarence Cone's metabolic chemotherapy: effecting oncolysis with various metabolic effectors, internal report to the NIH Office of Alternative Medicine, April 29, 1997. (Contract report)


  1. Borges, T., Chen, L.-C., Robertson, L. W., Chow, C. K., and Glauert, H. P.:  Effects of ciprofibrate and perfluorodecanoic acid on lipid metabolism and growth on male Sprague-Dawley rats fed 2 levels of selenium. Toxicologist 8: 99, 1988.

  2. Chen, L.-C., Borges, T., Robertson, L. W., Glauert, H. P., and Chow, C. K.:  Differential effects of dietary selenium on glutathione-dependent enzyme activities in rats treated with peroxisome proliferators. Toxicologist 8: 9, 1988.

  3. Borges, T., Glauert, H. P., Chen, L.-C., Chow, C. K., and Robertson, L. W.:  Dose-related effects of perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) on growth and lipid metabolism in Sprague-Dawley rats. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Pharmakol. Toxikol. Suppl. 339: R17, 1989.

  4. Chen, L.-C., Chaudhary, L., Blouin, R. A., and Chow, C. K.:  Effect of acetaminophen on hepatic antioxidant status of Zucker rats. FASEB J. 3: 727, 1989.

  5. Chen, L.-C., Knight, S. A. B., Sunde, R. A., Robertson, L. W., Glauert, H. P., and Chow, C. K.:  Effects of perfluorodecanoic acid on selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase. Toxicologist 9: 225, 1989. 

  6. Hayek, M. G., Boissoneault, G. A., Chen, L.-C., Chow, C. K., Glauert, H. P., Borges, T., and Robertson, L. W.:  Perfluorodecaonic acid (PFDA), selenium (Se) and mitogen response in rats. FASEB J. 4: 1039, 1990.

  7. Chen, L.-C., Wilson, L., Boissoneault, G., and Chow, C. K.:  Effect of N-3, N-6 and N-9 fatty acids on hepatic hydrogen peroxide-metabolizing systems in mice. FASEB J. 4: 932, 1990.

  8. Chen, L.-C., Baker, M., Wilson, L., Glauert, H. P., and Chow, C. K.: Effect of perfluorodecanoic acid on hepatic hydrogen peroxide-metabolizing systems in rats: a time course study. Toxicologist 10: 140, 1990.

  9. Chen, L.-C., Berberian, I., Chow, C. K., and Robertson, L. W.:  Effects of selected PCBs and PBBs on retinoid levels in various rat tissues. Toxicologist 11: 221, 1990.

10. Chen, L.-C., Eacho, P. I., Glauert, H. P., Robertson, L. W., and Chow, C. K.: Suppression of cytosolic DT-diaphorase activity in rat liver by peroxisome proliferators. Toxicologist 13: 395, 1993.

11. Chen, L.-C. and De Luca, L. M.: High dietary retinoic acid (RA) prevents malignant conversion of    skin tumors induced by a two-stage carcinogenesis protocol in female SENCAR mice. Toxicologist  14, 185, 1994.

12.  Chen, L-C. and De Luca, L. M.: Effect of high dietary retinoic acid on skin papilloma and carcinoma formation induced by a complete carcinogenesis protocol in female SENCAR mice. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 35: 185, 1994.

13. Chen, L.-C., Shack, S., Miller, A. C., Danesi, R., and Samid, D.: Increased susceptibility of ras-transformed cells to phenylacetate (PA) is associated with inhibition of p21ras isoprenylation and phenotypic reversion. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 36: 438, 1995.


 1. Modulation of skin carcinogenesis by dietary retinoic acid, 2/11/94 at Department of Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

 2. Modulation of skin carcinogenesis by dietary retinoic acid, 2/16/94 at Department of Pathology and Toxicology, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Nutley, NJ

 3. Modulation of skin carcinogenesis by dietary retinoic acid, 2/17/94 at Laboratory of Cellular Carcinogenesis and Tumor Promotion, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD

 4. Aromatic fatty acids as differentiation inducers in cancer therapy, 3/1/96 at Laboratory of Molecular Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD

  5. Aromatic fatty acids as differentiation inducers in cancer therapy, 3/29/96 at the Immunotherapy Program, St. Luke Hospital, Milwaukee, WI

  6. Introduction to alternative medicine and the Office of Alternative Medicine, 12/5/96 at the Department of Biology, Furman University, Greenville, SC

  7. Evaluation of the anticancer activities of Antineoplastons and related compounds, 12/6/96 at the Department of Biology, Furman University, Greenville, SC

 8. The Science (and Politics and Economics) of Antineoplastons, at the Center for Mind-Body Medicine's Conference, Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrating Complementary and Alternative Therapies, 6/12-14/98, at Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA

 9. Mercury Toxicity, at the annual meeting of Taiwan Dental Association, 6/18-19/2005, Taipei, Taiwan

10.  Mercury Toxicity, at six dental departments in major hospital centers in Taipei, Taiwan, July- September, 2005

11.  Four Controversial Issues in Integrative Dentistry, dental department of the Hospital for the Armed Forces, 11/10/2005

12.  Occupational Hazards of Dental Amalgams, at the annual meeting of Taiwan Dental Academy,  2005

13.  Natural Detoxification, guest lecture at Healer’s Holistic Medical School, Taipei, Taiwan; January 8,  2006

14.  Herring’s Law of Healing and its application in Detoxification, Integrative Dentistry, guest lectures at a training course for homeopathic doctors in Taipei, Taiwan, 2006

15.  Integrated/Holistic Dentistry, at monthly group study of the World Clinical Laser Institute, Taiwan Chapter, December 9, 2006

16.  Herring’s Law of Healing and its application in Detoxification, Integrative Dentistry, guest lectures at a training course for homeopathic doctors in Taipei, Taiwan, 2007

17.  Oral Toxicology and Integrative Medicine, Kaoshuing Medical University, April, 2009 

18.  Oral Toxicology and Energy Medicine, Chang Kung Univeristy, May, 2009

19.   Herring’s Law of Healing and its application in Detoxification, Integrative Dentistry, guest lectures at a training course for homeopathic doctors in Taipei, Taiwan, 2009

20. Toxins and Theory of Detoxification, guest lecture at a training course for medical doctors, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011

21.  Natural Detoxification, guest lecture at Cuckoo Zen Master’s Acupuncture Program, Goa, India, January, 2012



 1.  A Return to Love, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #1, July, 1999

 2.  It's All in Your Head/Mouth, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #2, October, 1999

 3. Where is Your Heart?, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #3, February, 2000

 4. The Concepts of Integrative Healing and Team Care, Integrative Health & Healing, #1, Summer, 2002

 5. Integrating the Wisdom of Traditional Medicine and Modern Innovations, Integrative Health & Self Healing, #5, 2003

 6. A Campaign for Better Health, Integrative Health & Self Healing, #6, Spring, 2004

 7. Taiwan Series: Bringing the East and West Closer Integrative Health & Self Healing, #6, Spring, 2004


 1.  The Recent Rise of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #1, July, 1999

 2.  The Dangers of Dental Toxicity and Oral Infection, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #2, October, 1999

 3.  Taoist Longevity Techniques for Health Teeth and Gums, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #2, October, 1999

 4.  Medical Intuition, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #3, February, 2000

 5. Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapy, Part I.: Introduction, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #4, May, 2000

 6. Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapy, Part II.: Towards a Unifying Theory of Cancer, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #5, September, 2000

 7. Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapy, Part III: Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Cancer, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #6, December, 2000

 8.  Scientific Facts about Mercury and Dental Amalgams, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #6, December, 2000

 9. Antineoplastons and Childhood Brain Tumors, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #7, Spring, 2001

 10. Functional Assessment for Patients with Cancer or Other Chronic Diseases, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #7, Spring, 2001 (co-authored with Mark McClure, D.D.S., N.D., I.M.D.)

 11. Introduction to Bioenergetic Medicine, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #8, Summer, 2001 (co-authored with Dawn Ewing, N.D., Ph.D., I.M.D.)

12. Introduction to Women's Health, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #9, Fall, 2001

13. What Do Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Leaky Gut Syndrome Have in Common?, Carolina Health & Healing Magazine, #9, Fall, 2001

14. Breath of Life and a Heart of Gold, Integrative Health & Healing Magazine, #1, Summer, 2002

15. Asthma and Emphysema: Two Out-of-breath Diseases, Integrative Health & Healing Magazine, #1, Summer, 2002

16. HoChi Universal Love: A Spiritual Qigong Practice, Integrative Health & Healing Magazine, #1, Summer, 2002

17. The Importance of Integrating Dental and Medical Care, Integrative Health & Healing Magazine, #1, Summer, 2002

18. The First Pillar of Integrative Healing: Nourishment – Nourishing the Body, Mind and Spirit, Integrative Health & Healing Magazine, #2, Fall, 2002

19. The Second Pillar of Integrative Healing: Detoxification – Cleansing the Body, Mind and Spirit, Integrative Health & Healing Magazine, #3, Winter, 2002/3

20. The Healing Power of Water, Part I, Integrative Health & Healing Magazine, #3, Winter, 2002/3

21. Non-surgical Procedures for Periodontal diseases, Integrative Health & Healing Magazine, #3, Winter, 2002/3

22. The Third Pillar of Integrative Health: Regeneration, Integrative Health & Healing Magazine #4, Spring, 2003

23. The Healing Power of Water, Part II, Integrative Health & Healing #4, Spring, 2003

24. The Mercury Vapor Analyzer, Integrative Health & Self Healing #6, Spring, 2004

25. The Healing Power of Water, Part III: Energizing and Alkalizing Water with p Rocks, Integrative Health & Self Healing #6, Spring, 2004

26. Taiwan Series: Skin Detox the Herbal Bath Way, Integrative Health & Self Healing #6, Spring, 2004

27. Dirty Electricity: Preliminary Findings in Taiwan, Cosminergy Magazine,  Spring, 2005

28. The Joy and Science of Herbal Baths, 2006

29. Forward for A Guide to Nutrition by Shelline Ho, 2007

30. Monthly Health Column, Organic Magazine, 2010-Date.


 1. How Many Poisonous Teeth Do You Have? (in Chinese) Self Published, 2008  你補了幾顆毒牙?

2. Natural Detoxification (in Chinese) May, 2009  人體空間排毒

3. Simple Measures for Healing (in Chinese), May, 2010  跟著博士養生就對了

4. Problem-Solver of the Toxic Living Space, October, 2010  解毒高手

5. Whole Person Dentistry, May, 2014  健康從齒開始

6. Trinity Style of Healthy Life, May, 2014  一生無病有機會

7. Cancer Book, December, 2014 (in preparation)  癌症啟示錄


  1. From Cancer Research to Intuitive Diagnosis: A Personal Journey at Brookmont Church, Bethesda, MD, June 15, 1997, sponsored by Valley Road Studio.

  2. Intuitive Diagnosis and Symbolic Meaning of Dis-ease, Hendersonville, NC, September 2, 1998, sponsored by Natural Healing Study Group.

  3. Medical Intuition and HoChi Qigong, Unity Center, Arden, NC, September 19, 1998, sponsored by Appalachian Chapter Dowsing Association.

  4. How to Investigate Complementary Cancer Therapies, Pathways, Asheville, NC, December 2,1998, Sponsored by Pathways (formerly Life After Cancer).

  5. HoChi Universal Love Spiritual Qigong workshop and six-part lecture series, Unity Center, Arden, NC, every second Saturday of the month from November, 1998 to April, 1999.

  6. From Cancer Research to Medical Intuition, Human Dimension Institute, Waynesville, NC, June 10, 1999.

  7. Investigating Alternative Cancer Therapies on Your Own, Earth Fare, Greenville, SC, August 28,1999.

  8. My Personal Journey, Current Work and Vision, Holistic Health Alliance, Greenville, SC, August 3,1999.

  9. Dental Toxicity: It's All in Your Mouth/Head, sponsored by Carolina Holistic, Inc., Comfort Inn, Greenville, SC, September, 1999.

10. Cancer Forum, co-host, Garner's Natural Market and Cafe, Greenville, SC, September, 1999.

11. HoChi Universal Love Spiritual Qigong Monthly Workshops, Greenville, SC, October, 1999-Date.

 12. Intuitive Insights into Prostate Cancer, Prostate Cancer Support Group, Hendersonville, NC, November 18, 1999.

13. Alternative Medicine, Garner's Natural Market and Cafe, Greenville, SC, November 30, 1999.

14. Investigating Alternative Cancer Therapies, continuing education on Alternative Medicine by Furman University Learning in Retirement Program, May 12, 2000.

15. Leaky Sinuses, Leaky Guts, (Washington, D.C.) Metro Integrative Medicine Study Group, National Integrated Health Associates, July, 2001

16. Heavy Metal Detoxification, (Washington, D.C.) Metro Integrative Medicine Study Group, National Integrated Health Associates, August, 2001

17. Trinity of Integrative Health, (Washington, D.C.) Metro Integrative Medicine Study Group, National Integrated Health Associates, May, 2002

18. Trinity of Integrative Health, Human Dimensions Institute, Waynesville, NC, August, 2002

19. Trinity of Integrative Health, Quantum Xxroid Consciousness Interface Conference, Asheville, NC, August 2002.

20. HoChi Universal Love: A Spiritual Qigong Practice, Human Dimension Institute, Waynesville, NC, October, 2002

21. Detoxification: Cleansing Your Body, Mind and Spirit, Seven Springs Center, Waynesville, NC, January, 2003

22. Trinity of Integrative Health, Catholic Hospital, Kao-Hsiung, Taiwan, May 3, 2003

23. Trinity of Integrative Health,, Taipei, Taiwan, May 13, 2003

24. Integrative Dentistry, Catholic Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, May 16, 2003

25. Trinity of Integrative Health, Taipei, Taiwan, May 17, 2003

26. A Unifying Theory of Cancer, Cancer Study Group, Taipei, Taiwan, May 19, 2003

27. HoChi Universal Love, A Spiritual Qigong Workshop, Silver Spring, Maryland, August 9-10, 2003

28. Integrative Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, September 13, 2003

29. Integrative Medicine, Taiwan East and West Integrative Medical Society, Tai Chung, September 14, 2003

30. Detoxification, Cancer Study Group, Taipei, Taiwan, September 15, 2003

31. Integrative Dentistry, Natural Medical Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan, December 5, 2003

32. Integrative Medicine: Introduction, Natural Medicine Society,  Taipei, Taiwan, September, 2004.

33. Clay Detoxification in the Perspective of the Trinity of Integrative Health, LL’s Magnetic Clay Trainer Workshop, April 2, 2004, Phoenix, Arizona

34. Integrative Protocols for Autism, April 30, 2005, Kaohsuing and May 14, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan

35. Integrative Protocols for Autism: Experiential Course, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout May 9 - June 22, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.

36. The Possible Causes of Autism and Effective Treatment Protocols, Chinese Autism Foundation, May 21, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan

37. Trinity of Integrative Health: Nourishment, Detoxification and Regeneration, June 4-5, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan

38. Trinity of Integrative Health: Nourishment, Detoxification and Regeneration, June 12, 2005, Singapore, Singapore

39. How to Break the Spiritual Isolation of Autistic Children, sponsored by Autism Society of Taiwan, R.O.C., November 12-13, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan

40. Integrative Care for Autism, sponsored by Autism Society of Taiwan, R.O.C., Kaohsiung, March 17-19, 2006, Taiwan

41. Integrative Care for Autism, sponsored by Autism Society of Taiwan, R.O.C., Taichung, April, 21-23, 2006, 

42. Integrative Care for Autism, at the annual member meeting of Society of Autism of Taiwan, R.O.C., April 29, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan

43. Trinity of Integrative Health for Autism: Experiential Course, privately taught classes, March and June, 2006

44. Integrative Care for Autism, sponsored by Keelung Chapter of Autism Society of Taiwan, R.O.C., Keelung, 2007

45. Trinity of Integrative Health for general public, privately taught classes, November, 2007, March 2008, October, 2008, April, 2009

46. Koren Specific Technique, lecturing on Trinity of Integrative Health in San Francisco, Philadelphia, and Phoenix, 2007-2008

47. Water and Detoxification, Public Benefit Talks, Taichung, Taiwan, 2008

48. Three part lecture at Community Hospital, Taipei, March-June, 2009

49. Foods: Good, Bad and Ugly, sponsored by Benefactor Organization, Kaohsuing, Taiwan, April and May, 2009

50. Trinity of Integrative Health, Taipei, Taiwan, graduating 12 classes of students since 2005 to the date 


 1. Medical Options Today, hosted by Mitchell Ghen, D.O., Ph.D. at WGGS Channel 16, Greenville, SC, February 16, 2000

 2. Integrative Medicine Press Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, September 16, 2003

 3. Integrative Dentistry, Hakaa Radio Station, Taipei, Taiwan, December 4, 2003

 4. Integrative Medicine, China Broadcasting Station, Taipei, Taiwan, December 11, 2003

 5. Peach Blossom, several appearances in Radio Broadcasting, 2007-2008

 6. Interviewed for a special feature on Light Center E-Magazine, January, 2009

 7. Interviewed for a publication on Fasting for Detoxification, Suncolor Press, 2009

 8. Special Column for Integrative Medicine at Uho Health Net, March, 2009

 9. Interviewed by numerous press media (magazines and newspaper as well as internet news media)

10. Numerous appearances at Radio and TV programs for three published books, March 2009-Date

 (Last updated, January, 2014)

 This is the end of Information about Dr. Li-Chuan Chen at this Website.

ABC of Health

Overview Summary of Our

Natural Healthcare Education Services

     IMPORTANT NOTES:  The introductory paragraphs below provide a quick summary of the very important and very valuable natural healthcare education services that we offer. 

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     After you have read this helpful information one time, you can simply scroll down past these paragraphs when you visit other departments that contain similar introductory information.   

     Natural Healthcare Education Services:  Our Introductory Natural Healthcare Education Website ( contains some special natural healthcare concepts that are Free to most visitors (can help them get started quickly on improving their lifestyles - if they agree to comply responsibly with our Terms of Use conditions - as explained in Topic 3 of the Home department of that Website). 

     We also offer our natural healthcare and nutrition consultations by convenient telephone for "qualified" people living in South Carolina - within an approximate 50 miles radius of Greenville, S.C.  

     We can conduct convenient telephone consultations that can be very helpful to individuals, or married couples, or families with children. 

     We recommend that teenage children be allowed to participate in the telephone conversation if a "speaker phone" capability is available.  If we know that teenagers are participating in the consultation, we can structure the conversation to include them. 

     We can educate our consultation clients quickly about important and valuable relevant natural healthcare and nutrition concepts that may be very helpful to them about their healthcare concerns and issues.  Younger children can learn from their smart educated parents over time.

     Telephone consultation services offer the big advantage of being a very convenient way for our clients to obtain some very important alternative health and "complementary health" natural healthcare concepts that can be directed to specific healthcare concerns and issues.  Our clients can obtain very important and valuable natural healthcare concepts information at a modest cost (using a credit card for payment).

     ABC of Health personnel are currently developing a very important and valuable Advanced Natural Healthcare Concepts Home-study Education Program for "qualified" natural-born American citizens [residents (citizens) of South Carolina that have a permanent residence Zip Code of 296 _ _ ]. 

     We have a client qualifications evaluation process for "qualifying" our education clients, as explained below.

     You can learn more about this natural healthcare concepts home-study education program at another Website - developed specifically for that purpose. 

Use the following hyperlink (link) to visit this special Website: 

     We suggest that you visit the Client Qualifications department at that Website to learn some very interesting and important historical information that explains why we must have responsible security standards for our qualifying procedures for potential applicants as "qualified education clients."

     Our Advanced Natural Healthcare Concepts Home-study Education Program will enable us to provide a more comprehensive natural healthcare concepts education about a broad range of very important and valuable natural healthcare concepts, lifestyle concepts, nutrition concepts, and wellness concepts.

      This natural healthcare concepts education program can be much more effective over time, to an individual or a married couple, or a family, than many hours of telephone consultations could provide.

     The proprietary copyrighted natural healthcare concepts that we will teach in our home-study education program can educate "qualified education clients" about our incredibly important and valuable advanced natural healthcare concepts (healthcare, fitness, lifestyle, nutrition, wellness, etc.)

     Fortunately, we also know how to teach these special healthcare concepts in a manner that is easy to understand, easy to learn, and easy to use for improving a lifestyle in truly remarkable ways.    

     This natural healthcare concepts home-study education program will be available only from our company because we will have tightly controlled security for leasing distribution of this education program, as explained briefly above.  

     We own more than 50 copyrighted natural healthcare concepts that will be explained in our home-study education program.  We are the only company that will be authorized to lease distribute and teach our proprietary and copyrighted corporate trade secrets

     Where are we located:  Our ABC's of Health, Inc. corporate office is located in the modern and progressive city of Mauldin, South Carolina. (population of about 23,000 people)   We are just eight miles from the downtown area of Greenville (an exceptional southern city).

     ABC's of Health, Inc. has multiple Websites that present important and valuable natural healthcare concepts about various subjects such as: healthcare consultations, health care concepts consultations, health classes, healthcare classes, health care concepts education programs, vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, nutraceuticals, probiotics, proteins, weight loss and weight management, etc. 

     We also present information about air filters, air purifiers, water filters, bathing water filters (bath tub filters and shower filters), water purifiers, water alkalizers, water ionizers, CHI exercisers, and quality built rebounder exercisers, Far-infrared (FIR) portable Saunas, health stores, and health food stores. 

     The relevant natural healthcare products and services identified above illustrate the broad range of natural healthcare concepts and issues that our alternative health type natural healthcare consultant, nutrition consultant, and healthy lifestyle coach is knowledgeable about.

     Lon Willoughby has acquired specialized natural healthcare concepts education and  experience with many very important health-promoting products and alternative health and "complementary health" natural healthcare concepts, protocols, and services.

Natural healthcare = healthcare without prescription type drugs

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This department was updated on November 9, 2017